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Welcome aboard the voyage of my teaching narrative!

Set sail with me as we navigate through the courses of Buyer Behavior and Digital Marketing. On this page, I’ll guide you through the vibrant landscape of my courses, providing a window into the classroom atmosphere and my approach to bringing teaching theories to practical application. 

On this journey, you'll see examples of class materials — both from my own creation and the brilliant work of my students — that showcase our learning adventure and the knowledge we've gained.


Let's get started!




  • Igniting Curiosity

  • Providing the Big Picture

  • Building Bonds: Cultivating Sense of Belonging


  • Navigating the Curriculum

  • Engaging Assignments and Projects

  • Navigational Talks by Guest Speaker
    : Roster of Diverse Guest Speakers


  • Reviewing Semester's Voyage

  • Guiding Students Beyond the Classroom

  • Evolving as an Educator: Continuous Learning



Igniting Curiosity

The journey of learning begins with a spark of curiosity. As I welcome students aboard, my first mission is to ignite their interest, kindling a desire to delve into the depths of Buyer Behavior and Digital Marketing. I introduce them to intriguing questions and real-world problems marketers face, lighting a flame of inquiry. This spark of curiosity lights the way as we start our journey, encouraging students to ask questions, explore, and learn. Please find the sample slides (Figure 1.) here. 

Providing the Big Picture

I lay out the 'big picture' map, a comprehensive overview of where we're heading. My approach is to equip students with a clear compass — a specific final big-picture outline based on the syllabus, grading rubrics for projects — ensuring every student understands the route and the wonders we aim to discover. I clarify our learning destinations, outlining clear goals, expectations, and the rich learning experiences that await.  Below, you'll find the sample syllabus and grading rubrics that outline my class voyage’s framework.

Building Bonds: Cultivating Sense of Belonging

Building a sense of community and belonging is crucial for a successful learning voyage. To this end, I employ the 'Getting to Know You' form that allows every student to chart their unique presence on our ship. They can share details about their aspirations, experiences, and even the simple joys that sail their lives. This not only helps to strengthen the bonds among us but also provides me with valuable insights into their knowledge level, allowing me to tailor the course content for an effective and inclusive educational journey. It’s about understanding the diverse backgrounds that come together in our learning community and fostering a shared sense of purpose. As I respond to each introduction, I aim to affirm their contributions, setting a course for a journey where every student feels valued and ready to engage in a great course adventure!

Figure 1.
Introduction Slides Featuring Curiosity-Inducing Questions




I actively implement experiential and collaborative learning principles in my lectures and assignments, ensuring that each student can chart their course through the curriculum with practical, hands-on experiences that mirror real-world challenges

Navigating the Curriculum

I carefully construct each lesson plan to clearly define our learning destinations and keep the crew's engagement high. Acknowledging the time of student attention span is fleeting, often less than 20 minutes, I navigate this by segmenting lectures into shorter, more manageable sections of 10 to 20 minutes. These mini-lectures are interspersed with interactive discussions or quick, informal quizzes, which ensure active participation and learning. Discussions are tailored not just to understand the material but also to apply it to real-world scenarios, allowing students to navigate their understanding actively. This method has proven to be an effective compass for maintaining focus and facilitating deep learning. Samples of my lecture slides are available here. 

Engaging Assignments and Project

True to my teaching philosophy, I chart a course where assignments extend beyond the classroom's horizon, preparing students for the professional world that awaits after graduation. Our projects are crafted not just to impart relevant knowledge but to develop essential skills like communication, analytical reasoning, critical thinking, and creativity.  In this section, I'll share selected assignments where my teaching philosophy is put into action, guiding students through the practical application of their learning journey.

1) Market Application Short Paper

I've created my special course for students to traverse the practical application of marketing theories through concise yet impactful essays. Steering by my teaching philosophy, I’ve created a one-page template for students to succinctly apply marketing theories to real-world scenarios. This simple form, which you can find attached, serves as a structured deck for students to initiate their analytical expeditions with their own words. These weekly short papers serve as immediate, practical exercises where students set sail to explore marketing concepts within the currents of the real business world. These papers allow students to take charge of their learning, connecting marketing theories to real-world examples and consumer behavior. This will be illustrated more in the innovation section. 

2) Case Study Explorations 

Applying knowledge in a real company situation is essential for deep understanding. According to my teaching philosophy, students navigate through learning most effectively when they can apply concepts in various practical case scenarios (especially company perspectives). Beyond lectures and interactive class activities, our case studies provide an opportunity for students to chart their knowledge across corporation dilemmas/issues, reinforcing their learning and enabling them to anchor these concepts securely in their minds. Samples of these case studies are available to guide you through this part of our learning journey.

3) Final Group Voyage: (Digital) Marketing Strategy Audit

For their capstone project, students form consultancy teams to prepare and present a (digital) marketing strategy as if to a real client. Reflecting the collaborative nature of the marketing world, they analyze an actual company's online strategy, identify gaps, and suggest innovative solutions. This project synthesizes all the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course, challenging students to think and act like digital marketers. By engaging in this realistic simulation, they gain a deeper understanding of how classroom concepts are vital in the professional world. Examples of past students are provided below. 

Navigational Talks by Guest Speaker

In our journey through the course, we often dock to welcome guest speakers from the vast ocean of digital marketing and other consumer strategy fields. These seasoned professionals share their real-world practices, offering insights and experiences that extend beyond the traditional classroom horizon. Their stories enrich our learning, providing professional wisdom and practical expertise that complements our academic-focused exploration. Below, you'll find the Roster of Diverse Guest Speakers (Figure 2.), along with the topics they explored during their sessions.

Meet our Guest Speakers

 Click pictures to see more details

Figure 2. Digital Marketing Guest Lecture Sessions

total guest.png



Reviewing Semester's Voyage

As the semester comes to an end, I take time to review our progress and the key learnings we've achieved. To ensure our navigational tools and routes remain the best they can be, I conduct a mid-journey evaluation through Google Forms. This feedback allows me to fine-tune our approach, incorporating more current and relevant examples based on what students find most useful. The final evaluations clearly show that these projects have successfully helped students apply what they've learned in class to real-world situations, which they greatly appreciated. Below are some highlights from student feedbackparticularly about the Market Application Essays and projects (see also below).

Guiding Students Beyond the Classroom
Following my teaching philosophy, my role as a teacher doesn't end with the semester. I'm always ready to support students looking to further their education or start their careers in both digital marketing and buyer behavior or pursuing relevant fields. Whether it's connecting them with internships or advising on graduate studies, I aim to help them apply what they've learned and take the next step in their journey. Many of my former students stay in touch, updating me on their internships and other developments. As an instructor, it's truly rewarding to witness students who have taken my classes and received my recommendations thrive in the marketing field. I hope I can help them to navigate the vast seas of life. 
Evolving as an Educator: Continuous Learning

I view student evaluations as critical navigational aids that help me steer my teaching practices toward improvement. Beyond the formal feedback mechanisms, I conduct my own evaluations mid-semester and at its close to refine and adapt my teaching strategies. My dedication to professional growth also leads me to participate in various workshops and digital marketing conferences (e.g., AMS Digital MKT teaching certification). This commitment ensures I remain at the forefront of (digital) marketing education, ready to guide students through the ever-changing marketing landscape with the most current knowledge and techniques.


Student Commentary
  • About Short Paper Activity (Experiental Learning)

"I enjoyed her class because I had the opportunity to learn the material in a dynamic and innovative way with real-world examples"

"The short papers were a great weekly/biweekly assignment and it helped me find real-world examples of the content discussed in the course. I learned a lot from this teaching style and found it very beneficial."

"I think overall the class is very interesting and I have learned a lot about the real-world application of these concepts. I feel that this will really help me in my future career." 

  • About Class Interaction (Emotional Connection)

"Professor Lim is a great professor, very caring and open to anything. Whether it be ideas for class, new ways to teach, or even just a conversation about our futures, Professor Lim is a great teacher and a great person! The only thing I would say could be improved is keeping students interested in the course by showing a more personable side of herself! Getting to know that your teacher isn't just a teacher, but a person with life experiences that she can pass down to us students who are near graduating!"

"Absolutely awesome. A great teacher who gave students opportunities to succeed in her class as well as deliver material with simplicity and ease. She is an even better person, always genuine and caring about everyone."

"I absolutely love this professor. She deserves a million dollars. I enjoyed every single second of being in this class, plus the assignments, tests, and quizzes. I hope that I will receive the opportunity to be taught by Professor Lim again. I am truly honored."

"Excellent professor and even better person. Always open to help her students and will make an effort to make sure you're doing well inside and outside of the classroom."

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