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Innovation & Improvement

When Innovation Meets Excellence

Transitioning from the Korean education system, which emphasizes rote learning, to teaching in America, I faced a cultural shift in teaching approaches. Initially very careful to engage deeply with students due to my educational background, I've since recognized the immense value of interaction within the learning environment. In particular, generating creative ideas and actively discussing them was crucial for applying marketing theory to real-life situations, aligning with the heart of my teaching philosophy.


To achieve this, I developed engaging and immersive classroom activities that effectively complemented and enhanced the theoretical knowledge presented in my lectures.  All these innovative approaches highlight the importance of interaction.

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Weekly Theory Application Short Paper

 I prioritize experiential learning to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Recognizing the importance of skills such as communication and critical thinking, I've integrated a Real-Time Marketing Application Exercise into our weekly curriculum. Specifically, I've introduced an 'In-class Short Paper' session where students apply weekly concepts to live business cases, encouraging immediate application of theories. 

This approach not only fosters a marketer’s mindset but also encourages creative problem-solving. A key innovation in my teaching is the In-class Market Application activity, designed for the immediate application of theoretical concepts into practice. This promotes the 'Self-generation' of knowledge in a collaborative setting. This hands-on approach has significantly improved student engagement and understanding, as evidenced by their innovative solutions and positive feedback.

Above all, each of the ten groups enjoyed a fruitful discussion (Figure 1), sharing their concepts, real-world examples, and marketing solutions. This exchange was a valuable opportunity for broadening their viewpoints through diverse opinions. Specifically, by hearing how others applied the same theories in varied contexts, students expanded their understanding. Observing their growth, I recognized the vast potential of a single concept to inspire a multitude of unique marketing strategies and solutions, reinforcing the sense of "collective learning" and development within our class.

Figure 1. Weekly Short Paper Discussion


Personalized Feedback & Interaction via Tech Tools

Fostering a supportive learning atmosphere is key to my teaching philosophy, valuing students' continuous effort and growth. I understand that mastery takes time and mistakes are part of learning. Thus, I emphasize personalized feedback (Figure 2.) on assignments. This tailored guidance helps students recognize their areas for improvement and strengths. Beyond academic support, I ensure no student feels left behind, making it a priority to engage with those facing challenges, fostering a sense of care in our learning journey. 

Also, to enhance joy, engagement, and inclusivity in learning, I've embraced various technologies and tools. Utilizing multimedia resources, interactive quizzes, and platforms like Kahoot, Poll Everywhere, and Google Workspace enriches our classroom dynamics. This tech-forward approach not only makes learning more dynamic and accessible but also cultivates essential skills such as teamwork and problem-solving.

Figure 2. Personalized Feedback for Each Paper

BB short paper comment feedback 소통예시.png

ETC. Online Teaching Tools

1. Kahhot


2. Poll Everywhere


3. Google Workspace

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